5 Tangible Ways To Improve Your Sleep

It is still Lyme disease awareness month so I wanted to address sleep in the Lyme Revival community. Commonly Lyme sufferers report having a difficult time sleeping. Whether that is falling asleep or staying asleep, it’s like being exhausted all of the time and not being able to sleep when you lie down and rest your head.

I am not going to give you the basics here, like stay off your screen at least 1 hour before bed, or keep your room cool and dark. These are a must for good sleep, but I wanted to give some practical and tangible tips on how to improve your sleep. Continue reading to find out how to incorporate these 5 ways to improve your sleep into your routine.

****Please consult your naturopath or functional health practitioner before taking supplements. This is not intended for individual medical advice. Lyme Revival is not liable for how the information is used and cannot be held responsible.

1. Take Melatonin To Improve Sleep

There are many supplements on the market for melatonin, but here is the one I recommend Liposomal Melatonin. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland when darkness is present. Keeping your lights low in the evening a couple hours before bed is important to start naturally inducing sleep. This is where the no screen time at least 1 hour before bed comes into play. Studies have found that melatonin is secreted by other organs in the body as well as the pineal gland, not fully aware of the many roles it plays. We do know that it is a powerful antioxidant and plays a role in maintenance of mitochondrial homeostasis. So, in addition to inducing sleep melatonin has other beneficial components.

2. Epsom Salt Baths

This is such a basic old school way of promoting sleep, but it is worth mentioning here. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is helpful, start with an Epsom salt bath. When I was a new mom I read a book about schedules for babies, quickly realizing I was responsible for the routines she developed. Just like babies our bodies need the que to start preparing for sleep. Epsom salt is a compound of sulfate and magnesium, both readily absorbed through the skin. Epsom salts aide in detoxification and relieves muscle tension. A therapeutic level is 2-3 cups of Epsom salt in the bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. Read more on Epsom salt and other ways to detox in Detoxing Made Simple.

3. Turn Off The Wi-Fi to Improve Sleep

It is no news flash that EMFs are harmful to us. Believe it or not, but you will most definitely sleep better without your Wi-fi on. In addition, it allows your body to do the recovery it needs during the night. What are EMFs? An EMF is simply an abbreviation for electromagnetic fields. Basically all of the wireless electromagnetic waves from sources like power lines, radios, and microwaves.

There are two types of EMF waves, natural and manmade. Natural EMFs are simply fields created by the earth and the human body. It’s the manmade EMFs, like cell phones, that are creating most of the issue. In my house we have our Wi-Fi router plugged into a strip that we just flip on and off to keep it easy. However, you can set a timer device on the plug in and make sure it is off by a certain time every night.

There are many people reviewing this Somavedic device that neutralizes EMFs in the home. I would really like to try one and have it on my wish list. They are a little pricing, but jump over to their site and check out the reviews. In addition to turning off your Wi-Fi try unplugging anything in your bedroom as well.

Symptoms of EMF Sensitivity

  • Difficulty sleeping in rooms with wireless electronics
  • Skin rashes or burning
  • Skin tingling
  • Chronic fatigue and weakness
  • Unexplained headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Heart problems
  • Confusion
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss

4. Change Your Sheets

When sleeping I can get hot and sometimes experience night sweats, which are common with Lyme disease. It sounds basic and like it wouldn’t be on the list, but washing your sheets 1 time per week is really important. Keep your bedding clean and find bedding that keeps your cool and comfortable at night. These sheets are organic and rated for keeping sleepers cool throughout the night. Check them out here. I upgraded bedding a couple years ago and truly sought after making my bedroom a sanctuary, a place that felt like a good place to sleep.

5. Try These Supplements to Improve Sleep

WishGarden Sleepy Night Tincture – This tincture contains certified organic, wild harvested and sustainable ingredients to promote sleep. It does not include melatonin.

Glycine – Glycine is an amino acid neurotransmitter that is involved in both inhibitory and excitatory neurochemical transmission in the central nervous system. Studies linked glycine to a lower core body temperature, perhaps one of the reasons why it is helpful with sleep.

5 HTP – 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. Studies have shown that serotonin is important for sleep quality and supports the transition from one sleep phase to the next. In addition it supports healthy sleep at the right time, meaning the right kind of sleep at the correct phases of the sleep cycle.


Melatonin: characteristics, concerns, and prospects – PubMed (nih.gov)

Radiation Could Be Causing Your Sleep Troubles – ProgressiveHealth.com

Melatonin and melatonergic drugs on sleep: possible mechanisms of action – PubMed (nih.gov)

The effect of melatonin, magnesium, and zinc on primary insomnia in long-term care facility residents in Italy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial – PubMed (nih.gov)

RF-EMF exposure effects on sleep – Age doesn’t matter in men! – PubMed (nih.gov)

Melatonin: a well-documented antioxidant with conditional pro-oxidant actions – PubMed (nih.gov)

New therapeutic strategy for amino acid medicine: glycine improves the quality of sleep – PubMed (nih.gov)

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

What is Folate and the MTHFR Gene Mutation?

Our Genes and Folate

Scientists sequenced the human genome more than 20 years ago! It’s taking decades to appreciate how our genes actually function. While most of us understand that DNA is the blueprint or building instructions for making living things, it turns out it’s not just a set of simple instructions. Instead, our genes are living and dynamic.  Epigenetics is a growing field of science studying how our environment, actions, and behaviors determine our genetic expression. Simply, our environment, thoughts, diet and activities greatly influence how your genes are turned on and off. While we can control some of our genetic potential, there are variations that predispose some of us to certain health problems. A case in point are the genes that activate and process folate, which is referred to as MTHFR gene mutation.  

One of the most common genetic variations in humans relates to this essential vitamin.  Many have probably heard of neural tube defects in babies and the link to folate deficiency. While not getting enough folate in the diet is the simple explanation, there are many people who carry a genetic variant that prevents the efficient activation of folate. Folate status effects more than fetal development and recurring miscarriages. Issues with folate metabolism are commonly associated with infection, cancer, heart disease, and infertility. In addition, women are at risk for cervical dysplasia, pre-cancer of the cervix, by folate deficiency.

What is Folate?

Folate is a B vitamin that is essential for a host of biological activities, most notably, DNA replication and amino acid metabolism. Essentially, rapidly dividing cells need folate. Hence, why folate was first associated with birth defects. The consequences of folate problems go far beyond mother and baby. Folate deficiency was so widespread it led to the fortification of white flour with folic acid. There are naturally occurring “folates” and synthetic “folic acids.” The word folate or folic is derived from the word “foliage” since this nutrient is found in leafy green vegetables. Folic acid is the synthetic form that is used almost exclusively in supplements, prescriptions and in food fortification. While folic acid is believed to better raise levels in the body, it comes at a price.  Folic acid may actually make the problem worse, as I’ll discuss further below.  


The Folate-Gene Mutation Issue

The job of folate is to act as a coenzyme, transferring what are called methyl groups, chemically written as CH3 (a carbon atom with three hydrogens) from one molecule to another. This is necessary during DNA replication, growth and healing. Genes coding for an important folate activating pathway are referred to as the MTHFR genes, with the C677T variant being the most notable. It’s important to note that there are other genes that control folate metabolism such as A1298, but for simplicity we’ll discuss the most well studied related to these health problems. Up to 10% of the population has a “double” positive or is homozygous for the genetic variant of C677T and 20 – 53% are single positive or heterozygous. Since all our genes are in pairs, one from our mother, one from our father, we can either have one or two of the variants, or neither.

So what happens if you carry this gene variant?  Those who have this trait can be less able to activate folate, therefore impairing blood cell production, healing, and immune response. Some of the most impacted areas of the body include the metabolically active organs of detoxification… the liver, kidneys, lugs, and digestive tract.

Chronic Illness and Folate

Immune health has been preeminent in recent history as the world experienced a novel viral disease. In order to mount an effective immune response you must have folate. In addition to needing folate directly for immune cell replication, the first line of defense, our epithelial cells of the respiratory, digestive tract, and skin need to replicate regularly, thereby providing a healthy barrier against invaders. Chronic infection or recurrent acute infections and the cascade of disease that can result are correlated with nutrient deficiencies. In addition to folate, adequate B12, B6, zinc, vitamins A, C, D and selenium are essential. 

It is noteworthy that recent studies have shown that the MTHFR genetic polymorphisms are associated with the severity of the Covid19 disease. Essentially, poor folate status can lead to a worse illness when you encounter any number of human viruses. A common blood marker to look for besides gene testing is homocysteine. Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with a poor prognosis from infection and cardiovascular disease. 

Methylation and Detoxification

What about methylation and detoxification? The methylation pathway is essential for the elimination of certain toxic or unneeded metabolites. Including endogenous and exogenous toxic molecules that will be primarily eliminated via the liver. It also includes normal hormone metabolites that need to be regulated. Estrogen metabolism is an important area as it relates to common health problems we currently face, such as cancer of the breast, cervix, and prostate. “Slow-methylators” can have elevated levels of reactive estrogen metabolites that can damage your DNA and increase cancer risk.

Many cells in our body are capable of rendering toxins harmless or “tagging” for excretion, but the liver plays a primary role through two phases of detoxification allowing toxins to be excreted. This process requires a host of nutrients, but it is the phase II methylation process that is often lacking leaving some individuals with a higher toxic load or harmful hormone metabolites. Therefore, those with methylation genetic variants may be at increased risk for phase II deficiency and consequent diseases. 

It’s important to realize that all of us can further burden our phases of detoxification and need for methylation by exposure to medications, smoking, vaping, alcohol, household, cosmetic, and industrial chemicals, and having a poor diet. 

Dr. David Graves ND

Mutation or No Mutation – Be Vigilant!

While those with this genetic variant should be concerned about getting the right amount and form of folate, it turns out that even those without this trait need to be vigilant. There is some evidence that the synthetic form, folic acid, may actually block the pathways required to activate folate into its L-methyl form. L-methylfolate or 5-MTHF (methyltetrahydrofolate) is the most common active form of folate. Nearly all inexpensive and name brand vitamins use folic acid, the synthetic form. Thankfully if you know what to look for you can find the ideal form to supplement with.

*Seeking Health B12 L-5-MTHF Supplement – Great supplement for all ages! It dissolves in your mouth and doesn’t have a bad taste.

*this is an affiliate link, if you purchase through this link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

How To Determine Your Folate Status

So what should one do to determine his or her folate status? First off, it goes without saying that most don’t eat enough folate-rich foods. Leafy greens, green herbs and many other vegetables should be the staple of the diet. It’s also relatively simple to take a high quality vitamin or B supplement with the active form of folate. You should consult your naturopathic or functional medicine doctor to determine how much to supplement with and if genetic testing makes sense for you.

Before simply loading up on folate or folic acid, note a few things to be cautious of. Taking excessive amounts of this vitamin can hide B12 deficiency. B12 is likely the most common vitamin deficiency in some demographics, especially the elderly and those on antacids and acid blocking medications. In addition, like all nutrients, folate requires a balance of other vitamins and minerals to function properly. Besides B12, it’s important to have the proper amount of B6 and riboflavin. Vitamin C has also improves folate bioavailability.   

If you feel stuck in your health challenges, perhaps gene testing and other functional assessments would be of benefit.  A simple vitamin like folate might be part of your story. 

Article by Dr. David Graves, ND

Dr. Graves is a licensed Naturopathic Physician, receiving his degree from Bastyr University. His clinical focus is on functional endocrinology and has been practicing medicine for 13 years. In addition to providing in-person individualized care, he consults remotely with patients all over. He regularly writes health articles, and recently launched the Renascent Health Podcast, available for download from all the platforms. Dr. Graves resides in Spokane, WA and when not helping patients heal you can find him on the mountain bike trails.

I realized that to get at the root of most health issues you need to take a comprehensive look at the body’s dynamic function. We need to remove obstacles to healing and take a first-things-first approach to establish a foundation.

Dr. David Graves

You can find Dr. Graves at Renascent Health (renascenthealthnow.com) and sign up for his newsletter.


Folic Acid Increases Homocysteine – Dr Lynch : Dr Lynch (drbenlynch.com)

How The MTHFR 677 Gene Affects The Immune System | Nutrition Genome

Final Diagnosis — Case 677 (upmc.edu)

Homocysteine (Hcy) assessment to predict outcomes of hospitalized Covid-19 patients: a multicenter study on 313 Covid-19 patients (degruyter.com)

What did you think?

Let us know what you think of the article by Dr. Graves by leaving a comment below or contacting us here.

Lyme Disease Awareness Month

What is Lyme disease?

May is Lyme disease awareness month. Lyme disease is a vector borne illness that is transmitted by ticks, spiders, fleas, and mosquitos. Left untreated, Lyme disease becomes chronic and leads to debilitating symptoms. Furthermore, Dr. Klinghardt from the Sophia Health Institute reports that no patient entering his clinic with ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s has not tested positive for Lyme disease. Thus meaning Lyme disease in a chronic state mimics other autoimmune diseases. If we don’t know the root cause how can we treat the right disease?

There are over 450,000 new cases of Lyme disease reported each each. This number has gone up by 150,000 in the last few years and continues to rise. Don’t be fooled that Lyme disease isn’t in your area, it is world wide. Treating Lyme disease is complex in nature due to the multiple co-infections that accompanying the disease. In addition to the complexity, each patient is unique and there is no cookie cutter, one size fits all treatment.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

The list of symptoms patients experience with Lyme disease is extensive. Acute onset will result in flu like symptoms and less than 20% of patients experience the bulls eye rash around the bite. If you or a loved one knowingly get a tick bite please seek medical care immediately. My highest recommendation goes to the Sophia Health Institute, my personal doctor Dr. Jennifer Grushon, or any practitioner that practices A.R.T. With A.R.T. the practitioner will be able to decipher if treatment is needed. Also, saving the tick that bit you is a great idea. There are testing centers that will test the tick for free. The Bay Area Lyme Foundation is one that will test the tick for free, click here to find out more. Here is a short list of common symptoms chronic Lyme patients experience.

  • fatigue
  • bone pain
  • muscle pain, neck stiffness, muscle wasting
  • joint pain
  • malaise
  • neuropathy
  • paralysis
  • difficulty concentrating, thinking, finding words
  • memory loss
  • allergies to almost anything
  • chemical sensitivities
  • muscle twitching, ticks, spasms
  • dizziness, vertigo, balance issues, feeling motion sick
  • blurry vision, floaters
  • insomnia
  • migrating pain
  • heart palpitations, cardiac issues
  • headaches
  • psychiatric issues, depression, anxiety
  • digestive issues, IBS, nausea
  • intolerance to cold or heat

Lyme Warriors Program & 5K

I have been in consistent treatment for two years. The most recent of those years I have made lots of progress due to my doctor. Treating Lyme disease as mentioned above is complex and insurance companies do not cover chronic Lyme treatments. Sure, antibiotics are covered to some degree, but treatments that I have found beneficial and doctors that know how to treat Lyme disease are not covered my insurance. Clinics focusing on treating Lyme disease often do not even accept insurance because their methods of treatment aren’t covered. Thankfully there are programs out there that are non-profit helping patients get the help they need.

The Lyme Warrior Program funds research, helping patients receive the care they need, and sending kid smile boxes out to children battling Lyme disease. They have a fundraiser 5K going on right now virtually through May 15th. You can register using this link to join team LYME REVIVAL. In addition if you feel led to help a patient receive the treatment they need please consider donating here. I have been incredibly lucky to have family and friends help fund my early treatments. However, not everyone is fortunate to have that kind of help. Find Lyme Warriors on Instagram here. Make sure to tag @lyme_revival on your posts in Instagram to spread the love and awareness.

Lyme Disease In Me – Why I Want To Help

Picture a single mom, working a high stress sales job, trying to balance three kids and life. I had years of being sick before knowing that Lyme disease was actually what I had. First, it was adrenal fatigue, then Epstein-barr virus, finally in 2018 getting the diagnosis of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a progressive disease, it will not get better left untreated. There were days I couldn’t get off the couch to make my kids dinner, or I had to take a nap after work and before making dinner, just to be able to function. It is lonely and isolating to be in this place. This is exactly why I wanted to highlight Lyme Warriors. A place that offers assistance and hope to those is these situations. Find the rest of my story here.

Prevention and Support For Lyme Disease

If you are someone who likes to be outdoors you can use permethrin to treat your clothes in advance. Be sure to check your body for ticks once being outside in brush or grassy areas. In addition check your pets for ticks frequently. The CDC has additional guidelines on how to prevent tick bites.

When it comes to supporting loved ones who are battling Lyme disease needs can vary based on the the individual. If I could give any advice on the matter I would say make sure to check in regularly. Ask questions that you really care about, don’t ask how someone is doing if you are just being polite. Offer support by arranging meal trains or helping with household chores. Support can even look like driving to doctors appointments or running errands. Also being aware that when battling Lyme disease symptoms can vary day to day. Lyme patients are not hypochondriacs, they are dismissed routinely in the mainstream medical community, they don’t need it from family and friends.

Stay connected with Lyme Revival for useful information on healing Lyme disease, holistic nutrition, & clean living. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Lyme Disease “In Her Shoes”

Inspiration & Community at Lyme Revival

I have reached out to several Lyme patients so they can be highlighted on Lyme Revival for inspiration to others and in hope to offer a place to find community. It can be so isolating when battling a chronic illness, only those of us that do can understand the gravity of how isolating it is. Our health dictates what we do from day to day, cancelling appointments and plans with friends, coping just enough to meet the basic requirements our day brings. In this series you will find varied perspectives from different women dealing with this disease. To stay connected be sure to sign up for our newsletter. If your are interested in being highlighted please reach out to me here.

Meet Becky

Becky is a friend of mine who actually led me to my own discovery of Lyme disease. She is a survivor! Meaning she has reached some level of remission and leads a normal life. Her struggle was long and hard, nearly loosing everything in her fight Becky is now an advocate for Lyme disease and connects with people all over the world. She will always have to do her specific daily routine and self care management so that she can stay healthy and avoid Lyme flares. Read further to hear more about what Becky has to say.  

How long have you lived with Lyme disease?

I was bit by my first and only tick that I know of in Winter of 2008/2009 in Bellingham, Washington.

I know Becky well enough to further explain she did experience a bulls eye rash and no one knew what it was, even doctors. She also found the tick still attached.

How has Lyme disease changed your life?

Lyme disease has changed nearly everything about my life. Prior to getting ill I ate what I wanted and
did what I wanted; hadn’t a care in the world. When I first began getting ill I immediately had to
make modifications. The first few years I was plagued by stomach pain, fatigue, and muscle
pains. So naps became the norm and I had to adjust my diet by eliminating foods because I
figured that must be the problem. Any positive changes were only temporary. My health
continued to decline and I pulled back from friends and my social life, while I kept searching for
answers. Hobbies were a thing of the past. I had been creating an athletic clothing line but all
my free time went to trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Grocery stores gave me
severe anxiety because I was afraid to run into old friends thinking they would see through my

I tried to pretend I was normal to the rest of the world but I felt like I was dying and knew
something was terribly wrong
. Nobody would listen.

Becky Smith

I began taking a pin to my arm and breaking the skin, wiping food on it to rate the reaction in order to eat. Everyday I broke out in hives and my eyes would swell up from a new food allergy. I could no longer bike, ride in a car with windows down, and my speech would slur. I would get lost randomly, unsure how I got places, and drove on the wrong side of the road more than once.

After 5 years I figured out I had Lyme and I stepped down from a management position not knowing what treatment would look like. In fact the whole time I was ill I only felt like I was surviving each day not living.

Becky Smith

Once in treatment I had a strict regimen, so everyday revolved around the timing of my medications
and supplements. I had to detox all day and go to doctors appointments on the regular, all while

Now that I am healthy I have to take time to prepare all my meals, get exercise, stay
away from chemicals and mold. Lyme changed a lot of what I do in my day to day but most
importantly Lyme changed who I am as a person. After having gone through something like that
I’ve come out of it so much stronger than I was. I’m motivated, I know what I want and what I
won’t waste my time on. I’m confident and proud of my body. I’m lucky to be the person I am

How do you balance self care and healing while doing everyday life?

Luckily working from home has helped so much! Prior to working from home I had to cut down on gym time in order to food prep or go to appointments. I would have to nap more because I have sleeping problems when I’m working in-office for some reason. Now that I’m working from home it’s much easier. I am able to throw some food in the oven in-between phone calls and my sleep has improved a ton. There are more flexible hours which allows me to have my gym time earlier resulting in evenings of Epsom salt baths, writing, and product research.

What is one thing you would share with someone who just got diagnosed with Lyme disease?

Diet. You need to change your diet and be committed to your health 100% if you want to get better. Also a lot of people get comfortable being ill because maybe that’s all they know. You have to want it in order to get better. Find that drive in you, and you’ll get better. One more thing, don’t be in denial. Deal with your diagnosis because it’s only gonna get way way worse if you don’t. On a lighter note, try to be around supportive people who believe your illness exists.

What are your favorite ways you’ve learned to cope, favorite treatment, and favorite food?

When I was sick, a way to cope was cooking and making meals I could eat. When I was in treatment, coping for me was being able to push it a little bit longer on the spin bike, or being able to lift a little bit heavier than last week. Now that I’m better it’s helping others realize they may have Lyme disease or associated illnesses.

Connect with Becky

Becky D. Smith – beckydsmith.com

The Free to Be – thefreetobe.com

Instagram – @beckydsmith

Coffee Enemas & Lyme Disease

Part Two

***This is not intended as medical advice, it is merely my experience. Please consult your physician about this procedure before apply it to yourself at home.

As promised after ordering the PureLife Enema kit and following through with using it I would write part two on coffee enemas. This week was life changing for me! My kit arrived on Tuesday evening and by Wednesday mid day I was administering my first coffee enema. It can sound very intimidating at first, but trust me it’s not. Anyone who is chronically ill can do this, meaning we do all kinds of things too ourselves and for ourselves to help our bodies heal. I really wish someone would have told me to do these earlier in my healing journey.

The PURELIFE enema kit I purchased came with everything I need to perform coffee enemas at home for years to come. You only need 3 tablespoons of ground coffee per enema so the 1 pound bag will last me awhile. Plus the stainless steel enema bucket will last me a lifetime as well as the strainer. All of the tubing and enema nozzle with proper cleaning will last up to two years, possibly more. When selecting what coffee you would like in your kit it is advised to start with the medium roast.

Preparation of Coffee Enema

  • 3 Tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 4 cups of distilled or purified water (I use Berkey water)
  • Bring to boil for 5 minutes
  • Reduce to simmer for 15 minutes
  • Let cool to room temperature
  • Use strainer to transfer coffee mixture to a measuring cup (this ensures there are no grounds in the enema)
  • If less than 3 or 4 cups of solution exists after the boiling and simmering add more filtered water to equal at least 3-4 cups of solution.
  • Place tubing on enema bucket and place clamp. You don’t want your solution spilling out on the floor.
  • Add enema solution to enema bucket
  • Then I go to the bathroom for the remainder…
  • Place the enema nozzle of your choice (I use the silicone) on the end of the tube
  • I always have a small amount of coconut oil in a glass bowl in the bathroom to help lubricate the enema nozzle
  • Lay on your right side and place the enema nozzle in from behind you
  • Regulate with the tube clamp how fast the flow is…it takes me about 6-10 minutes to take all the enema solution in. The instructions say to stop when you feel full, but I have noticed when you wait and let your body do some adjusting I can take more liquid in.
  • Hold for 15 minutes. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t hold it that long your first time. It gets easier. Also you may experience waves of thinking you can’t hold it anymore and those pass, it helps to breathe through them.
  • Personally I leave the enema nozzle inserted during the 15 minute hold time, but you can remove it. Just make sure to grab the nozzle and not the tube to pull it out.
  • Once the 15 minutes are up you sit on the toilet and let the solution back out. This phase can take another 10 minutes, but afterwards you really do feel amazing. It is a similar experience to colonics if you have ever done those.

I set the enema bucket on the counter behind me. In this picture it was hanging from the towel rack. The kit does come with a hook if you have a different set up that accommodates hanging the bucket.

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Coffee Enemas & Parasite Elimination

I am not suggesting that everyone has a parasite problem, but my last post addresses parasites as the NEW co-infection of Lyme disease. Find that post here. Not everyone that has Lyme disease experiences the same co-infections, but there are the more common ones and parasites are up on that list.

What came out of me this week was not unexpected, but it is a little gross. Don’t get me wrong we celebrate this kind of thing in our house! My doctor and I have been going after parasites since November, 2020. I have likely had parasites a very long time, but my body was not ready to go there until it started coming up with the A.R.T. that Dr. Jennifer Grushon uses in my treatment. So I have been on CellCore products that are made to clear parasites as well as Ivermectin and Alinia (Nitazoxanide), both of these are anti-parasitic drugs.

It is hard to say if the parasites have been dying off inside and I just wasn’t passing them or the coffee enema helped to kill them, but they were coming out in every stool after my first coffee enema. This week I did a total of three enemas and plan to continue on this route until my health takes a dramatic turn, then lessen to two times per week, and so on.

Coffee Enemas Aren’t For Everyone

But they are mostly for everyone! We all have a toxic load and burden in our bodies. Whether you have Lyme disease or other chronic illness, or even just needing to maintain overall health. There are some guidelines to view on the Gerson Therapy website to see if they are safe for you. Always consult your doctor before trying this on your own.

Aftercare For Coffee Enemas

Gerson therapy recommends 3 – 8 ounce fresh juices per 1 coffee enema to replace electrolytes lost during the enema process. In addition to the fresh juice, lots of filtered water.

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Parasites the New Co-infection of Lyme Disease

**This information in not medical advice. Please consult your physician.

Parasites, Lyme Disease & Autoimmune Disease

Why is the question not being asked more…why are autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses on the rise? After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, I began thinking of the health and wellness of individuals when I was a kid, just 25-30 years ago. Concluding that people were not as sick, or we did not hear of as many people being sick. In grade school I knew of one person that had Lyme disease, and very few people who had cancer, I can only think of two.

Fast-forward to today, over 20 million Americans struggle with an autoimmune disease. That is just Americans, it is know that in other industrious countries autoimmune disease are on the rise. There are 476,000 new cases of Lyme disease reported by the CDC per year. Thus, making this a huge question to be asking…one that we deserve answers to. Lyme disease has been placed under the category of autoimmune disease, although it is known to be caused by a bacterial infection.

Parasites and Host Commonalities

There are commonalities amongst the chronically ill and autoimmune disease population. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has been on the frontline of research in autoimmunity for over 40 years. He is widely known for his expertise and understanding of chronic illnesses and how they operate in the body. In his work he has found the chronically ill population has higher heavy metal toxicity, retrovirus activity, KPU (Kryptopyrroluria), and PARASITES!

Parasite Testing

There currently is no testing to truly and efficiently identify parasites. If you have had any gastrointestinal issue you have probably been tested for parasites at some point and had that test come back negative. Between the ages of 18-19 I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Jamaica and Mexico. However, there is no doubt I brought back some unwanted friends with me. Tests for me came back negative as to be expected, but I remained symptomatic. Parasites excrete an enzyme that dissolves their bodies upon realization their environment is inhabitable. Dr. Klinghardt’s studies have shown that the parasites only show up within a 15-minute window after feces has been eliminated. Meaning the test that has you place your poop on a card and mail it in to a lab will NEVER find parasites. They are long gone by then. Bottom line, even if you think you do not have parasites, sadly your wrong. Everyone has parasites, they are only known to cause problems in people who have the commonalities listed above and an overall higher toxic load.

Parasites Are More Than An Intestinal Issue

Parasites are not just found in the colon and small intestines but can be all over the body in other organs, even the lungs. This makes them even more elusive to testing. For example, they can inhabit the bladder and down the line cause bladder cancer. It is the most common overlooked problem in the chronically ill population. Parasites harbor smaller organisms, such as bacteria and viruses making them the new co-infection of Lyme disease.

Parasites Must Be Treated Before Lyme

This is the part that really blew my mind…if you do not treat the existing parasites first you will never get rid of the Lyme disease. Due to the parasites harboring the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi that causes Lyme disease. Not to mention all the other non-beneficial bacteria and viruses that are hiding in the parasites as well as heavy metals. So, a layered treatment approach is needed. Treating parasites, then Lyme bacteria, next yeast & molds, then viruses. You may have to treat some things simultaneously, but knowing this layered approach is ultimately needed. It is no wonder so many people struggle with Lyme disease for their entire lives. Not every Lyme patient will experience a parasite “take over”, just like every Lyme patient does not have the same co-infections.

Parasites & Finding Your Fit

Before learning this, I am pleased to announce that my doctor, Dr. Jennifer Grushon has been approaching my treatment this way. In my first blog post I talk about Dr. Klinghardt’s invention of A.R.T. Dr. Grushon uses this to diagnose and treat me. Chronic Lyme patients are like an onion that needs to be peeled back one layer at a time. Though A.R.T my body guides the treatment based on what it is ready to work on and the level that needs to be treated. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a multifaceted treatment plan; it just means that if you aren’t solving the biggest problem first you could be stuck there for a while. If you are in need a a doctor I could not recommend Dr. Grushon more, also visit the Sophia Health Institute where Dr. Klinghardt and his team work.

Parasite Symptoms

Symptoms of parasites can look exactly like symptoms of chronic Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. To give you a quick picture here are a list of symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive issues-IBS
  • Skin lesions, rashes, eczema, etc.
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Joint/Muscle pain
  • Anemia
  • Allergies
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Teeth grinding
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Psychoses

Parasite Treatments

Okay, okay, I have parasites, now what? Well, I read no one size treatment fits all, but after listening to multiple podcasts featuring experts in the parasitic field and scouring the internet, I landed on basic steps to get started. First, we must get the liver primed and functioning better. Check out my post on Detoxing Made Simple for additional ideas on how to add more detoxing to your everyday life and support your liver.

CellCore Biosciences has some of the best protocols that are laid and and walks you through each phase. The comprehensive protocol is for chronic illnesses. If you are looking for all inclusive and do not want to piece together your own protocol this is the place! I have personally used and continue to use many of their products.

If you are looking for a different route other than CellCore protocol you can use the following:

Cilantro tincture – take 2 droppers full, 30 minutes prior to eating, twice a day. Used for “mopping” up heavy metals in the system.

Biopure MicroSilica – 1 scoop (100mg) once per day

Horsetail Tea – 6 prepared cups per day

Ionic foot bath – if possible, include ionic foot baths as regularly as you are able. The ionic foot baths switch on the kidneys to release toxic heavy metals into the urine. (link takes you to a blog post I talk about ionic foot baths)

***This protocol should be done for 6-8 weeks. After 6-8 weeks following that protocol, the goal is to then eliminate whole parasites, so they do not leach toxins into our bodies for reabsorption.

Parasite Removal – Next Steps

Coffee enemas – 2-3 times per week. Enemas and Colonics aid in inhibiting the parasites from reabsorbing into the body or migrating back upwards in the GI tract. (link is a post where I go over all things coffee enema related)

BioPure Nexus Suppository – 1 suppository per night for 3 months

Castor Oil packs – These should be applied 2-3 times per week for a duration of 1 hour. They are simple to do at home.

  • Gather castor oil, hot pad, fabric, & old towel to get started.
  • First, saturate a large enough piece of cotton fabric to cover your liver area with castor oil.
  • Next, have a piece of saran wrap ready to place between to cloth and the hot pad.
  • Then, lay down for 1 hour while the castor oil pack gets to work. (I like to have an old towel underneath me just incase some oil gets on the couch or bed)

CellCore Bioscience Products – you can find on their website.


Sources: One Radio Network / Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Reducing Toxins and Parasites in the Body | One Radio Network, Prediction and Prevention of Autoimmune Disease in the 21st Century: A Review and Preview – PubMed (nih.gov), How many people get Lyme disease? | Lyme Disease | CDC.


Part One

*This post contains affiliate & non-affiliate links

Coffee Enemas Relating To Chronic Illness – Lyme Disease

About twenty years ago I watched a documentary that included the Gerson Therapy model. The focus of the documentary was alternative treatments to cancer. I was completely mind blown at the results they were getting by using this therapy. For this reason, when I learn this fascinating information, it makes me question why isn’t this information talked about more often? Even by holistic health practitioners? Sadly, I don’t have the answer to that, but what I can tell you is it led me to researching coffee enemas and how they they relate to chronic illness, specifically Lyme disease. After nearly six years of struggling with chronic Lyme disease I look for all things natural and alternative to antibiotics that can aid in my healing. Read further to see how coffee enemas and treating Lyme disease are cohesive.

The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.

Gerson Institute

***This is not intended as medical advice, merely my opinion. Please consult your physician before adding this to your healing regime.

Lyme Revival & Lyme Disease

My goal with Lyme Revival is to offer tools for others to find the right methods of healing for them and cheer them on in their progress. Empowering other Lyme disease sufferers to ask more questions, advocate for themselves, and choose what is right for their healing. No judgement, no fluff, just the good stuff. Check out my ABOUT JILL page to read a little more about my personal struggle with Lyme disease.

Coffee Enemas Benefit Lyme Disease Patients

Coffee enemas and treating Lyme disease go hand in hand. As a member of the chronically ill population, it is widely known that we suffer from a higher toxic load, commonly due to certain detoxification pathways being compromised. Our bodies need extra support to ensure detoxification is properly functioning. However, that can get quite complicated and for the purpose of the coffee enema topic we will save that for another post. In sum, coffee enemas are used for assisting the liver in eliminating toxins from the body for good, along with removing free radicals from the blood stream.

***You won’t want to miss what is coming soon! Naturopathic Physician’s guest post on methylation defect in the chronically ill and how it effects detoxification.

How Does A Coffee Enema Work?

During a rectal coffee enema, caffeine travels via the hemorrhoidal and mesenteric veins via the portal system to the liver. Therefore, causing bile ducts to open and allowing the liver to release bile which is bound to toxins filtered from the bloodstream. View coffee enemas as an assist to the liver, helping the liver decrease its toxic load.

The components theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine in coffee dilate blood vessels and bile ducts, relax smooth muscles, and increase bile flow. In addition, coffee causes the gallbladder to contract more, thus releasing more bile into the system, and as read above the bile is bound to the toxins. By releasing more bile, you release more toxins that can be eliminated. In addition the bile neutralizes free radicals, then they are eliminated through the intestines.

Furthermore, the components of coffee stimulate the enzyme activity of glutathione S-transferase by 600%-700% above normal activity levels. Glutathione is known as a powerful antioxidant, combating free radicals, and aiding in detoxification.

Enemas are held in the large intestine for about 12-15 minutes, allowing absorption of components such as potassium, cafestol, and kahweol through the permeable gut. Kahweol and cafestol have shown anticarcinogenic effects on the livers and kidneys of rats as well as the potential for this protective effect to extend to more distant organs. In a nut shell coffee enemas allow for greater detoxification and offer anti-cancer benefits.

(Source – Enhancement of the chemoprotective enzymes glucuronosyl transferase and glutathione transferase in specific organs of the rat by the coffee components kahweol and cafestol.)

Important Facts To Know About Coffee Enemas

  • Electrolytes are lost during an enema. The Gerson Therapy model balances three, 8 oz. juices per coffee enema throughout the day.
  • Coffee enemas will not effect your bowel movements, your body does not become dependent on enemas to have a bowel movement. In fact, coffee enemas are not recommended for constipation. They are specifically geared towards detoxification.
  • A beginner like myself will start with a medium roast coffee. Once you become more experienced you can try a lighter roast for a deeper detoxifying effect. Dark roast is never recommended due to loss of important components being roasted out.
  • The coffee used should always be organic, also sustainability and fair trade are encouraged. My research led me to Pure Life Enema. Pure Life roasts their coffee specifically for enemas with the highest of standards. Therefore, it is chemical, mold and fungus free. Music to a Lyme patient’s ears, and for me takes the guessing game out of what brand of coffee to use.
  • Coffee enemas date back to the 1800’s. This is not a new treatment, but as per usual when there isn’t a large amount of profit to be gained it is overlooked as a truly beneficial treatment.

How To Apply A Coffee Enema?

To be totally transparent I just ordered my coffee enema kit this week to get started. Find the kit I ordered here. It includes everything you will need for your coffee enemas, including instructions. The following steps are from the Pure Life Enema website. I am deferring to experts on this matter and will follow these same instructions myself. I spoke with the company and they were very helpful. If you have questions they are a great resource. The topic of coffee enemas became so exciting, and a must do for me, that I wanted to share this information immediately!

Step by Step

  1. Prepare your enema coffee solution per instructions. (4 cups filter water and 3 tablespoons of coffee, bring to boil for 5 minutes, following with simmering for 15 minutes) let completely cool, then pour into your stainless-steel enema bucket. Clamp on the tubing must be clamped shut. Berkey is my favorite water purifier. You will want to make sure to use clean filtered water.
  2. Release any air bubbles from the tubing into the sink by allowing the coffee to flow through the tube. Re-clamp.
  3. Find a comfortable place to lay down, such as the floor or bed. Spread a protective plastic sheet over the area you will be doing the enema on or old towel you don’t mind getting coffee on it.
  4. Hang the enema bucket 12″ to 18″ above the surface where you will be lying on.
  5. Lay down on your right side with the enema tubing behind you. Insert the lubricated small enema nozzle or 16″ thin colon tube. Starters should use small enema nozzle.
  6. Release the tubing clamp and allow the coffee solution to flow into the rectum. Do not allow a fast flow. Take your time and let the solution in slowly.
  7. Once you feel a little full. Shut the tubing clamp shut. Withdraw the enema tip or colon tube. Now hold the solution in for 15 minutes if you can. If you have trouble holding it in, you can keep the enema tip in.
  8. After 15 minutes you may go to the toilet and release the solution into the toilet.
  9. Follow up with drinking a juice as noted above.
  10. Consult with your physician as to how many coffee enemas you should do. It varies from 1 per month to 1 per day.

Join Me

If you like this type of information there is only more goodness to come. Sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss a post!

Sources: The Gerson Therapy | Gerson Institute : Gerson Institute, Detoxification (drlindai.com), Repeat After Me: The Liver Is Not a Filter! | (chrismasterjohnphd.com) Coffee Enema Kit | Gerson Coffee Enema | Natural Colon Cleansing – PureLife Enema.

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Why I Started A Blog

Holistic Nutrition – Where The Passion Began

Why I started a blog…It has been my great passion for many years to share holistic nutrition advice and practical implementation techniques to the people around me. After attending a natural health school, Bastyr University, I saw how overwhelming it can be to do a complete overhaul of your diet and lifestyle all at once. Which led to me feeling very strongly that I could help people make small changes overtime that would lead to a bigger change in the future.

I remember a moment in my whole foods cooking class at Bastyr when these two gals were making fun of Velveeta cheese. Trust me, I was not eating Velveeta cheese, mainly because I have not been able to tolerate dairy most of my adult life, but I found the comment so off putting. Thinking we are at this school to obtain an education so we can help others make better choices, thus leading to better overall health. That comment has stuck with me after twenty years. For this reason, I feel I have honed in my skills to help people make realistic changes to their diet and lifestyle.

Knowledge Is Power – Why Am I Sick?

Having this education in holistic nutrition and clean living, I was making great choices for my personal health. There was a period of time I felt strong, healthy, and vibrant. However, after going through ten years of child rearing, competitive running, and racing triathlons my body started circling the drain. The circling began with a diagnosis of “adrenal fatigue”, then Epstein Barr virus, and finally ending with a formal diagnosis of Lyme disease. It wasn’t even a doctor that suggested a Lyme test, it was a friend who herself had Lyme disease.

Once having the Lyme disease diagnosis, you would think it would be a relief and things would start looking up. Unfortunately that is not how it works. In fact, anyone that has heard those words shudders. If you aren’t lucky enough to have caught the very acute phase of infection and you have gone into chronic Lyme disease, it can feel hopeless and daunting. My goal with Lyme Revival is being able to get information out to others that may encourage and help them along their healing journey. Furthermore, intending to produce content that “myself five years ago” would have found life altering. Thus, finding ways to save time and money while choosing their path in healing from Lyme disease.

Lyme Disease Is A Full-Time Job – Simplify Your Life

Slowly I simplified my life to make it as manageable as possible until I found myself in a place, I really didn’t have the brain power, will, drive, or physical ability to work outside of the home. Keeping in mind managing a home of three children and my husband is no small job.

A blessing in disguise came when my part-time job ended in July after the whole COVID pandemic hit. We decided it would be better for me to focus on getting healthy instead of replacing my job. Making your world as small and simple as possible I feel is the first step in choosing to get well. This will look different for everyone and it has looked different for me throughout my Lyme journey. Saying no to things on my schedule and saying yes to myself and my family. Continuing to always showing up for myself to heal everyday.

I worked with a life coach early on in the year 2020. Throughout the coaching session I worked on boundary setting, life goals, with a focus on what I really wanted my life to look like. Dating years back, I have wanted to be a health coach myself, spreading the love and knowledge of how food can positively impact your life. This is where the blog idea came into play.

How I Found 21 Days to Impact

I received an email to join in on a zoom call featuring Kate Kordsmeier and why right now is a good time to start a blog. Months before this my husband and I sat down and wrote out goals for the year of 2021, things we would like to work on, etc. Starting a blog was on mine! It was meant to be! Kate is so encouraging, and her programs make it so easy to get started. Really what was holding me back was how do I actually start a blog, like the technology that goes behind it?

The 21DAYS to IMACT was exactly what I needed to launch my website and get the information out there that could potentially help others struggling like me. 21 DAYS to IMPACT makes it simple getting the technology set up by walking you through step by step. I love that Kate wants others to find success and reach their goals. She is an open book and has tons of free advice on her website to help you along the way. You will find other great blogging, entrepreneur, and business-related tips on her podcast Success with Soul. Investing in myself was just what I needed this year. Treating my blog like a business, like what Kate’s suggests, has helped me get content to my targeted readers. My true hope is that people will find health and hope while battling Lyme disease.

Starting Your Own Blog-Resources

Interested in starting your own blog? Click here to register for Kate Kordsmeier’s 21 Days to Impact class.

Not ready to sign up? Click here for a quick video training for aspiring bloggers.

Check out my RESOURCES page for the website I purchased my theme from. Bluchic have been a great company to work with. When creating my ABOUT JILL page, they stepped in and quickly managed an issue I was dealing with. In addition check out Canva, templates and images for your blog and social media.

Join The Lyme Revival Community

This has been an incredible experience getting this blog up and running. Please join the Lyme Revival community by plugging your email address in the newsletter box at the top of this page. I am going to follow Kate’s motto and support others trying to follow their dreams. Share the Lyme Revival love with others!

Lyme Disease and Propolis

What is Propolis?

Propolis is a sticky substance gathered by bees from flower buds and the bark of trees. It serves as a glue to hold the bee hive together. Additionally, bees use it to cover surfaces and fill gaps in their hives, thus providing a sterile environment that protects them from microbes and spore-producing organisms, including fungi and molds. In this post you will find out why Lyme disease and Propolis is a treatment worth considering. (Source: The Chemical and Biological Properties of Propolis)

The Power of Propolis

Propolis is potent against viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. For example, Giardia and Babesia fall under pathogenic microorganisms, technically called protozoan parasites. Babesia is a very common co-infection with Lyme disease that infects red blood cells. Furthermore, because Babesia infects red blood cells its most common causes are “air hunger”, potential fainting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, and acutely fever and chills. Air hunger is having the feeling you can not catch your breath, even when seated and not exerting yourself. Up to one fifth of Lyme patients experience this co-infection. I happen to be in that percentage. Babesia is a hard co-infection to treat and does not respond to anti-biotics. Anti-parasitic drugs are more likely to yield benefits. However, with a natural substance like propolis there are little to no side effects. (Sources: The Chemical and Biological Properties of Propolis, Co-Infection Babesia.

With Propolis being anti-viral and ant-parasitic it is a great alternative and natural treatment for Lyme disease and the many co-infections that go along with Lyme disease.

Propolis and Natural Killer Cells

Propolis enhances activity of natural killer cells against tumor cells. In addition it also stimulates higher antibody production. Natural Killer cells can be very low in Lyme patients. Propolis effects these cells by “waking” them up and increasing the activity of the cells present. (Sources: Propolis: types, composition, biological activities, and veterinary product patent prospecting, PubMed.)

Propolis and Biofilm

What is Biofilm? Biofilms are a collection of one or more types of microorganisms that can grow on many different surfaces. Microorganisms that form biofilms include bacteria, fungi, and protists. That slimy film on your teeth in the morning is a biofilm. The Biofilm that Lyme patients hear about is coming from the Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria, which is the bacteria known to cause Lyme disease. Bacteria produce these biofilms to protect themselves and live within our bodies. Lyme disease is known to be difficult to treat due to these biofilms protecting the bacteria and making treatments hard to reach the source. In the study cited Propolis inhibited biofilm growth, thus making it a great natural treatment to break down biofilms in Lyme patients. (Source: Revista Argentina de Microbiologia, Combined Effect of Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum ST8SH and Vancomycin, Propolis or EDTA for controlling biofilm development by Listeria monocytogenes.

Other Benefits of Propolis

  • Powerful anti-oxidant
  • Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Decreases risk of diabetes
  • Anti-cancer effects
  • Immunomodulatory effects
  • Anti-allergic effects
  • Kills mold spores and yeast- which are common battles in Lyme patients
  • Periodontal Health

Sources: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Immunomodulatory Effects of Propolis and its Components on Basic Immune Cell Functions, PubMed, Propolis and its Dental Applications: A Technological Prospection, The Chemical and Biological Properties of Propolis by Weam Siheri, Sameah Alenezi, Jonans Tusiimire, & David G. Watson. BMC Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, Iranian Propolis Efficiently Inhibits Growth of Oral Streptococci and Cancer Cell Lines.

How To Use Propolis

Propolis supplements can be found in tincture form, spray, capsules, and can be diffused. Here is a list of quality Propolis supplements to start with:

Essential Formulas Dr. Ohhira’s Propolis Plus– this is a alcohol free formula in capsules and includes probiotics.

Bee & You Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray– great for the beginning of a sore throat or when air traveling.

Wise Woman Herbals Propolis– tincture form, does contain alcohol.

Natura Nectar Bee Propolis Trio– alcohol free capsule form.

BioPure Brazilian Green Propolis- alcohol tincture in dropper form. (currently out of stock)

Ki Science Propolis Air Diffuser– I have been lusting after this diffuser for a few months now. This must be used with the Organic Kontak Propolis Capsules from Ki Science.

Check out Ki Science’s PropolAir Propolis Diffuser if you have any lung conditions or someone in the house has asthma or mold exposure. This model is designed to attach to a mask to inhale the propolis. This model uses the Organic Kontak Propolis Capsules as well. Each capsule lasts approximately 120 hours.

Find other quality supplements on the RESOURCES page.

***Note all of this is an formulated opinion based on research and personal experience. This is not medical advice, please consult your physician.

If you enjoy this type of content and find it useful please plug in your email address in the newsletter box at the top of this page. Nothing would make me happier than to know this information is helping you or someone you know. Thank you for reading!!


One of the best ways to reduce your toxic load is scrutinize what you put on your skin and body. When suffering from a chronic illness such as Lyme disease, limiting toxic exposure is key. Our livers are already burdened and adding more to the liver’s load only slows healing down. This applies to all kinds of illnesses and honestly just overall healthy living. Fortunately I have been living mostly clean when it comes to my beauty routine for the past 20 years. There have been many clean beauty products I have tried but this year landed on my absolute favorite thus far. True Botanicals! Find out how to get a free serum at the end of this post.

This blog post contains non-affiliate and affiliate links. Partnering with brands that I trust, believe in, and that actually work help me to provide free content to readers.


The end of 2020 I finally took the bait and ordered my first True Botanicals order. Based on their awesome skin care quiz, I ordered the Clear line.

  • Starting with the Clear Nourishing Cleanser
  • Next I go over my face with the Clear Nutrient Toner on a cotton pad.
  • Then slathering on the Clear Pure Radiance Oil – This smells like a luxurious wildflower blend and sends me straight to a “spa like” feeling on a sunny day. Literally OBSESSED with this oil!
  • Every night I follow this step with the Clear Repair Nightly Treatment.
  • 2-3 times per week I use the Resurfacing Moisture Mask after the toning step and before the oil step.
  • I always follow my morning skin care routine with SPF. Currently I am using Beautycounter’s Countersun Daily Sheer Defense For Face. This helps the hyperpigmentation not get any worse from sun exposure.


The year of 2018-2019 I spent 9 months on anti-biotic therapy to treat my Lyme disease. Looking back I would have NEVER started anti-biotic therapy at the late and very chronic stage of Lyme disease. This literally destroyed my skin which made me super sad. It is hard enough to feel sick all the time, I don’t want to look sick too. The acne started first during hyperbaric treatment then the hyperpigmentation (melasma) settled in. Thankfully with continually cleansing of my body the acne cleared up, but the melasma is still going strong. All this being said, using the Resurfacing Moisture Mask and Clear Repair Nightly Treatment is helping to fade more of the melasma than other skin care brands I have tried. In addition I am adding the Vitamin C Booster to my routine for to enhance further fading of melasma.


Healing Lyme disease continues to cost more than our mortgage or food budget each month. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to receive the treatment I do. However, spending that much of our budget on my health alone often leaves me feeling guilty. For example, I tell myself I shouldn’t spend money on skin care. Let me tell you, using skin care that is not only good and safe for me, but effective has been a small luxury and simple pleasure to have in my every day life. Lyme disease stripped away my absolute favorite simple pleasures, running and a morning coffee. When starting the process of fully healing we have to understand this is a part of it. Finding small simple pleasures and joy in our every day lives that actually make us feel good is vital to healing. That is me justifying the cost to not only myself, but to you. Everyone finds joy in different ways and this has helped me to feel overall better about myself and appearance when I go into public. So the answer to the heading question, YES, it is absolutely worth it to me!

You can find all the products listed and talked about above by clicking here. Get a free mini Chebula Active Immunity Serum with orders over $100, while supplies last, from March 21st- 28th! Chebula Active Immunity Serum is a powerful antioxidant and anti-aging serum.


My hope is you too will find ways to make yourself feel good and in actuality feel more like yourself. Lyme disease changing you and it is hard to find your way back to the land of living sometimes. Other than what I feel is a luxurious spa treatment every day with my skin care routine, here are a few other simple pleasures that have helped me cope with feeling sick more days than not.

  • a daily walk outside in the fresh air
  • Epsom salt bath every day
  • Blue Lotus Chai with raw local honey and a little almond milk
  • starting this blog!
  • treating myself to a good hair cut

Reach out and let me know what your favorite simple pleasure is and sign up for the newsletter at the top of this page so you don’t miss a post, I promise it is not for spam!