When you have a chronic illness such as Lyme disease finding the right foods to eat can be a challenge. Not only are we trying to eat to enhance our healing, we are dealing with individual food intolerances and allergies. Each Lyme patients’ diet can look different. Big RED FLAG if your healthcare provider suggest a one size fits all diet for you. Personally my diet has changed over the course of my healing journey. I tried the trendy KETO diet, insert me crashing and burning. With my level of knowledge in nutrition and coming across Medical Medium information by Anthony William I quickly understood why the Ketogenic diet DOES NOT work for someone who has a chronic illness generally. Again, every person is different and should rely on their personal intuition. Listening to your body is powerful and can help guide you to the most healing foods for you.

This is not to be taken as medical advice, merely an opinion. Please consult your health care provider.


If you have no idea where to start, start with a fruit smoothie in the morning. No protein powder, no almond butter or peanut butter, just fruit. When the chronically ill population consumes fat first thing in the morning it bogs down our livers. I actually have taken the advice delivered in the Medical Medium series and start my day with a large glass (24-32oz) of water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. Depending on the size of the lemon I sometimes use two. This helps flush out my liver first thing in the morning. Following 30 minutes later I drink 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach. The celery juice has sodium cluster salts that help remove stored toxins in our organs. If you want to read more about this click here. Anthony William has an entire book on this topic alone. Find it here. It has been over two years that I have done this every morning. Drinking the celery juice every morning made my body naturally give up coffee, I just didn’t crave it anymore.

Here is my basic smoothie:

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 cups of frozen organic wild blueberries
  • 1 cup of frozen berry of choice (I have been using blackberries I picked last summer and froze)
  • 1 cup of water or your choice of plant based milk

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If you are anything like me breakfast can come later in the day closer to 11am or lunch time. When this is the case I spruce my smoothie up by making it into a smoothie bowl. Do a quick search on Pinterest and see the many recipes for smoothie bowls.

Smoothie Bowl Topping Ideas

  • hemp seeds
  • shaved almonds
  • granola (be sure to read the label carefully or make your own)
  • fresh raspberries, blueberries, any berry, yum!
  • cut up banana
  • drizzle with raw local honey
  • dried goji berries

Lunch Ideas

Green leafy vegetables are a basic staple and should be incorporated into at least one meal during your day. Keeping the fat low so to not bog your liver down while healing, try a fat free salad dressing or use a smaller amount of oil than typically poured onto your salad. Steer clear of premade dressings, they will have lots of ingredients that we should typically avoid, plus poor quality oils. Check out this Pinterest board I started with a handful ideas for dressings.

My favorite way to get my green leafy vegetables in currently is a large kale salad.

Jill’s Favorite Kale Salad

  • 1 bunch of kale washed and de-stemmed (I like the softer curly leaf kale) & broken into pieces
  • large lemon juiced
  • 1 Tablespoon of toasted sesame oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of coconut aminos
  • avocado
  • chickpeas
  • salt and pepper to taste

Place kale in a bowl, pour lemon juice over it, drizzle toasted sesame oil in, then massage with your hands until the kale is softer and wilted in appearance and texture.

You can then add in the avocado sliced into pieces and chickpeas if you can tolerate legumes. If you are unable don’t worry it tastes great without them too!

Dinner Ideas

Here are 3 quick and easy meal ideas that are crowd pleasers at my house, even with the kids and a husband that isn’t a fan of vegetables.

Potato Leak Soup – I have been using this recipe for awhile now and would not change a thing!

Lentil PastaMy super power if finding a recipe and making it work for my diet or others diet restrictions. So my Pinterest boards are full of recipes that I adapt, really need to start making my own formal recipes. This pin is a great start, but I wanted more vegetables in it. I add chopped organic cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, and double the spinach. Trader Joe’s has been carrying an organic yellow lentil pasta that works for us, so I substitute that for a traditional wheat pasta. I add the cherry tomatoes with the onions in the recipe so are cooked instead of raw. Easy one pot meal for the entire family.

Taco Lettuce Boats– We use ground turkey meat for our tacos. Once again I gotta spruce it up so I add the following list. This is actually something I came up with.

  • 1 chopped onion (or use a food processor like me to make meal prep a breeze)
  • 8 oz of cremini mushrooms (chopped or in food processor)
  • 1 whole organic zucchini (shredded or in food processor)

Brown the turkey meat and while it is browning add the above three ingredients so they can cook simultaneously. Season with cumin, oregano, chili powder or red pepper flakes, garlic powder, salt and pepper. I also squeeze the juice of one lemon into the mix while seasoning.

Serve with romaine lettuce as the taco shells, salsa, guacamole, cilantro, and any other favorite taco toppings. You can substitute corn tortillas for the family if needed.

I get asked the question so often, “What should I eat?” So here is a place to start. As always keep it clean (organic when possible), keep it whole (does it have one ingredient to start?), and keep it simple. Use your body as a guide and listen to how you feel when eating certain foods. Please reach out and let me know your go to meals. Sign up for our newsletter at the top of this page so you don’t miss a post!


If you are anything like me this year March 2020-March 2021 has been a rough road. In the beginning of the pandemic there was fear pulsing through my veins. Thoughts of, will I be able to feed my children? How will I work and “homeschool”? Am I more at risk of serious side effects because I have Lyme disease? After the initial fear subsided and more accurate numbers became available, I was still left feeling very unsettled. Currently I am not as worried about the actual virus as I am the side effects from the actions taken and set-in motion by the officials in charge. Waking up almost every day with a deep concern for my children, the mental health of the population (including myself), and thoughts of where we as a country will be a year from now. Let me just say I understand if you have these feelings and I am sorry because dealing with Lyme disease by itself is a full-time job, now adding in everything mentioned above makes life more challenging.

Mentioned in other blog posts I have done is a brilliant doctor with over forty years of practicing medicine under his belt, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Throughout the pandemic I have been following what he recommends keeping my immune system up and running to fight off any virus, not just COVID-19. There is so much that could be covered in this blog but let us keep it simple and safe for discussion.

This post contains affiliate and non-affiliate links. This is my opinion and not intended for medical advice. Please consult your physician.

The Top 5 Supplements

  1. Vitamin D– We have all heard it by now that studies show taking Vitamin D at 10,000 IUs for an average adult helps prevent infection. Most of us experience low levels of Vitamin D because we stay inside all day. For example, I live in Spokane, WA and we can not even get Vitamin D from the sun here six months of the year. When we are able the hours that it is available from sunshine are between 10 am and 2 pm. Most people have a hard time getting sun exposure at those hours based on work or school. Taking a Vitamin D that has Vitamin K in it will help make it available for your cells. Try this one by Seeking Health. If you choose to look for one always check to make sure the form is D3 and K2. I give my children 5,000 IUs instead of 10,000 IUs.
  2. Vitamin C1,000 mg is sufficient for daily prevention, but if you are feeling unwell or think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or any other illness you can up your dose to 10,000 mg until you are feeling better or one week after exposure. Here are three brands I like…
  3. Zinc50-75 mg of zinc L-carnosine daily is great used as prevention or possible exposure. CORE-S from BioPure or Zinc Carnosine from Seeking Health are great brands to look at. CORE-S also has Vitamin A in it to help drive the zinc into cells. My children take Optimal Zinc Chewable from Seeking Health.
  4. Vitamin A– helps drive zinc into cells. Just like vitamin D, vitamin A can be tolerated in much higher doses than previously recommended. 50,000 IUs can be taken if exposure occurs. You do want to be careful and consult your doctor if continued high doses are taken due to the fact it is a fat-soluble vitamin and can build up in your tissue.
  5. Quercetin– 500 mg, taken two times per day if exposure occurs. I like Researched Nutritionals quercetin.

Continue Detoxing

Supporting your body’s ability to detox remains critical. See my blog post Detoxing Made Simple for simple ideas on adding detox into your everyday life. Something not mentioned in that post and is a great addition is a simple castor oil pack. Using a castor oil pack 2-3 times per week can be greatly beneficial for general detox.

Follow these basic steps:

  • Saturate a small piece of cloth with castor oil (I use an old flannel shirt cut up)
  • Place over area of interest, liver, abdomen, lungs, etc.
  • Wear an old t-shirt or wrap with an old towel
  • Apply hot pad over the area through the shirt or towel
  • Lie down for 45 minutes to 1 hour and RELAX

Find Ways To Stay Positive

As mentioned before this has been a tough year for all of us. Finding ways to stay positive, relieve stress, and enjoy life as we know it can make all the difference.

Here are a few things I tried this year to stay positive:

  • Jump off social media.
  • Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for when feeling down.
  • Go for daily walks to get fresh air and move my body.
  • Nightly Epsom salt baths.
  • Keep your world simple and small. Meaning don’t overextend and surround yourself with positive people.

A Quote Worth Quoting

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D Roosevelt.

Daily I have to remind myself to not be fearful, but purposeful. Precisely why I am doing these things for myself and my family to stay healthy and peaceful. Reach out and let me know what you are doing to stay centered in 2020-2021. Do not forget to plug your email address in the top of this page so you don’t miss a post!

How To Eat With Lyme Disease

Before I even knew I had Lyme disease I was having lots of digestive complaints, dating back to 10 years old. As I got older there were foods that I knew I should avoid intuitively based on how they made my body feel after eating them. Then there were foods that sometimes I felt fine after eating then other times made me sick. Sound familiar? This is a strong commonality amongst Lyme patients. We wonder how to feed ourselves while battling for our lives. So let’s get back to the basics and find some wholesome food we can nourish ourselves with.

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Foods To Eliminate From Your Diet

If you have not already eliminated the following foods, you should start with these first.

  • Gluten– going gluten free is not just a trendy thing to do. More and more people are realizing that they feel much better when not consuming it. Gluten causes inflammation in our gastrointestinal tract, but the main reason you should eliminate this from your diet now is it FEEDS the bacteria and viruses in your body. When in our intestinal tract the gluten can cause constipation based on the above points. When trying to heal from a chronic illness like Lyme disease you do not want to be constipated. We need our bowels moving to promote the detox we desperately need. Gluten is in everything! In order to completely avoid this you must read food labels very closely. Wheat is not the only grain with gluten in it, so wheat free is great, but that does not mean that the item is gluten free. Barely, Bulgur, Couscous, Einkorn, Farina, Gum base, Fillers, Flour, are examples of how gluten can be labeled. (Not a complete list)
  • Dairy– Dairy is hyperallergic. It is high in fat and often high in sugar. Sugar feeding the bacteria and viruses and the high fat content bogging down your already burdened liver. Plus it is very mucous producing.
  • Eggs- Eggs have had a bad rap then a good rap in the diet world. I lived on eggs for years! Eating them every morning with my coffee, then noticing that I would end up feeling nauseous every day afterwards. People do not talk about eggs in the way that I now see them. When learning about how to eat and heal from a chronic illness I came across Medical Medium. Anthony William offers a more advanced way in eating to heal your body. Let’s face it, Americans have tried multiple things from Atkins, Vegan, Paleo, you name it and we have the highest rate of chronic illness to date. So obviously something is not working with how we are feeding ourselves. If I had to pick the worst thing to eat when healing from Lyme disease it would be eggs! They are linked to inflammation, cancer, and many more diseases. It made perfect sense to me when I realized eggs are used to grow viruses and bacteria in labs, meaning they grow well on eggs!
  • Processed Foods– Thankfully processed foods will mainly be eliminated when you take gluten out of your diet. However, it is always important to remember these foods aren’t healing foods. So focus on whole, organic when possible, and make your own food.

Fruit Is Your Friend

Everyone is thinking fruit should be avoided due to the naturally occurring sugar. Sugar in fruit is nothing like sugar found in a donut. Fruit is your friend while healing from a chronic illness. It provides your body with an immediate energy source. Sugars in fruit are bound to antioxidants. Antioxidants are one of those buzz words we all hear that are linked to our health, and indeed they do lead to better health. For those struggling with Lyme disease and chronic illness fruit is a great food to have anytime of the day because it is so easily digested. TMI ALERT: it is easier on the stomach and gets the bowels moving. There are so many benefits that Anthony William talks about in his book, Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal. To summarize, fruit is anti-disease, anti-aging, and nutrient dense.

Lower Fat Intake

We are always hearing about the diet fads of high fat and low carbohydrate. Chronic illnesses like chronic Lyme disease requires us to lower the burden on our liver by lowering fat intake. Basically complete opposite of what is being promoted in the diet world. I like Medical Medium’s rule of thumb to not have any fat before noon. This is a great place to add fruit into your day!

Too much fat in the diet feeds disease in the body. It overloads the liver, slowing detoxification down, slows digestion, and feeds pathogens. We do need fat in our diets, but the right kind of fat from avocados and coconuts, just not the amount people think we need.

For decades Americans have been eating high fat diets and getting sicker and sicker…I propose we take a different look at how we are trying to heal. Fruits and Veggies are where it’s at! Focus on getting most of your calories from those two groups, then add a little fat and protein towards the end of your day and see if you notice any changes.

The Exceptions

I have been eating and living a clean lifestyle for the past seventeen years. My diet has had to adapt and change throughout my journey with Lyme disease. Changing up what we eat will be inevitable. Just stick to the healing foods and if one of them doesn’t agree with you, take it out for a period of time. No biggie, we can work ourselves up over all of this or just accept that we are on a path to healing. That path turns and twists so changes will have to be made. Keep your life as simple as possible and eat simple wholesome foods.

Recipes will be a part of this blog so stay tuned. I would love to hear from you and what is working in your life and diet. Sign up for the newsletter at the top of this page so you don’t miss a post!

SOURCES: Medical Medium LIFE-CHANGING FOODS by Anthony William & MEDICAL MEDIUM Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony William


If you are anything like me the word detox and cleanse can be a confusing topic. It seems everyone has the latest and best way to detox and the information in the wellness world can not only be overwhelming, but it can also be misinformation. Especially for those of us that are battling a chronic illness like Lyme disease. Our way of existence is just going to be different than someone who feels 100%. So, take it from me and my years of experience on why we need to continuously be detoxing, and how to incorporate methods into our daily lives to enhance healing and overall wellbeing.

So, grab your favorite tea or soothing beverage and let us simplify this complicated topic together. (My favorite is Blue Lotus Chai with almond milk and a touch of raw local honey)

Find my favorite chai here.

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We are continuously exposed to toxins. Albeit in our homes, products we use to clean with, new items such as a mattress that outgases, beauty products we use on our bodies, even the radiation that comes through our walls from outside, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), and the list continues. Some of our exposures are within our circle of control and we can reduce or eliminate what we bring into our homes. However, we are even carrying toxic exposures from our parents, things my mother was exposed to before I was even conceived.

Recently I watched a video of someone testing the radiation levels in their home. It is mind blowing what has been allowed to creep into our neighborhoods and homes, we wonder why so many of us are chronically ill. I personally have not tested the levels in my home, but I am making little changes every day. For example, making my bedroom an EMF free sanctuary for restorative sleep. Maybe I am preaching to the choir on this, so I will move on to how to implement practical detoxing strategies into your daily life.


I am a simple, practical, realistically minded person. So, I ask myself what do I do the most and how can I change that to be the best for my health?

Water– Drink half your body weight in ounces daily. For example, I weigh 140 pounds, my water intake should be 70 ounces. Our household uses the Berkey water filter. Berkey water filtration system acts more as a water purifier because it removes 99.9999999% of pathogenic bacteria and 99.999% of viruses. I do not know about you, but I think my body has enough bacteria and viruses making me sick, no need to add more through my water. Bottom line drink clean water. Find the Berkey I use here.

EPSOM SALT BATHS– This is something so basic and yet is often overlooked. Literally every night I take an Epsom salt bath. My body already hurts, and I am usually cold, so this is my biggest treat of the day. A therapeutic dose requires two-three cups of Epsom salt per bath and soak for fifteen to twenty minutes. Caution, make sure you are buying scent free! Fragrances are amongst the most toxic to our bodies that we allow in our home.

SWEAT– This is going to look different for all of us. Some stages of healing can be debilitating enough that movement is nearly impossible. Trust me, I have been there. Thankfully, I am walking most days a week two to three miles and sweating. Also, movement promotes lymphatic changes in your body as well promoting elimination of toxins. If you are unable to move your body Infrared sauna is a great way to sweat out impurities. Check with your local health clinics to see if one may be available. I investigated buying a Clearlight Infrared sauna for our home, but that must wait until we have a large enough place to accommodate one. Like I said before, baby steps.

FOOT BATHS– Ion Cleanse foot bath purifies the body through the electrolysis of the water. Go check out their website for the details on how this works. You can purchase for home use or check with your local health clinics to see if one is available for use. I am fortunate enough to have the ability to go to a clinic here in my city to use this. Again, feet are always cold, and this is borderline a spa treatment to me. What comes out into the water is unsightly. There is a chart that coincides with the colors that are in the water, each meaning something different. Anything from joint meridians to heavy metals.

Ionic Footbath Prior to Treatment

Ionic Footbath Post Treatment

SUPPLEMENTS– Taking a binder daily can assist your body in riding itself of toxins. Binders are exactly what they sound like, they bind to the “bad” stuff and help remove it safely from your system.

CellCore Biotoxin Binder – possibly not available for direct purchase without a professional account. It is so good I could not mention it.


Spirulina- I use the Vimergy Spirulina

Zeptil Melatonin Suppositories– high doses of melatonin have been linked with detoxification. This is not for sleep.

ecoNugenics Pecta Clear

Quick Silver– multiple protocols for detoxification. Their PushCatch liver detox is a great place to start. They even have mold detox programs, and if you are not aware yet, Lyme disease and mold exposure are often linked together.

Incorporate just one to start if you are not doing so already. Make small changes along the way to get a deeper detoxification. Keep it simple if you are sick you need simple in your life. Reach out if you have any questions, I would love to talk detox with you.


Here are some small things to incorporate into your life and home to start reducing your toxic exposure and start living in a clean environment.

Examine your beauty products. Beauty Counter has a never list. You can use this for a guide when reviewing your products. Slowly start to replace your beauty items, it can be expensive to do a one time overhaul. I am currently obsessed with True Botanicals Clear line. Their products make me feel like I am giving myself a little spa treatment. I recently added their shampoo and conditioner to my collection.

Examine what cleaning products you use. I have been Seventh Generation for years now. It’s widely available so I can get it at stores like Target. They also make unscented which I love, although their scents are not synthetic most of the time I use scent free. This includes laundry detergent. When I am walking down the street I can smell people’s laundry soap…that can’t be good for us.

Back to the basics, eat clean food. Buy organic when possible, but this list shows you when it’s most important to buy organic produce and when you are safe to buy conventional (non-organic) produce. Meat and dairy should be organic based on the fat content. Toxins in the animal are stored in the fat. Eat whole foods, foods you can imagine actually growing in the earth.

If you are going to start in one room in your house, start in your bedroom. Buying a non-toxic mattress in an investment, but worth it if you consider the amount of time you are in it. If you are anything like me chronic Lyme disease has forced me into bed for ten to twelve hours a night. It makes me feel happy to know I have lowered my exposure in my bedroom. A few years ago I purchased an Avocado Mattress. I do recommend a mattress topper if you go with this brand.

This is your health, body, and wellbeing at stake. Make a few small changes every month to create a non-toxic home and an environment your body can heal in. Subscribe to our newsletter at the top of this page so you don’t miss out on a post!

Sources: Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, QuickSilver Scientific, Environmental Working Group



Hello there, if you are reading this post you are likely someone who has suspected Lyme disease, a formal diagnosis of Lyme disease, or you are a loved one of someone who is struggling with a chronic illness, likely Lyme disease. Let me just say how sorry I am that you are going through this, Lyme Revival was inspired for all of you! When I became chronically ill, I was looking for anyone who could help me feel better, or even offer a place to start. That posed quite the challenge in itself, look no further.

Living in our world today we are continuously exposed to toxins, viruses, and bacteria. To break it down very simply, our bodies are dealing with an accumulation of toxins throughout our lives. These toxins come from the environment, what we use on and put in our bodies, they can even come from our parents, their parents, and so forth through our genetic makeup. Our bodies are designed with detoxifying pathways to eliminate these exposures, but one of the commonalties found within the chronic illness population is these pathways are compromised. It is not a matter of IF you get sick, it’s WHEN.



When I was sixteen years old, I had a mystery illness that doctors were not able to diagnose. Over twenty years ago Lyme disease was not widely tested for. My parents and I were sent away with the idea that what was making me sick was just a stubborn virus. I was treated for months with antibiotics, which finally did get me back to a “healthy” sixteen-year-old.  This was the first onset I had of Lyme disease. Although, I cannot prove that with a test, I intuitively know this to be true. The right course of antibiotics during an acute infection of Lyme disease can be quite helpful and prevent the years of suffering that chronic Lyme disease entails. However, I was not tested for Lyme disease, let alone the proper antibiotics. Fortunately, after I “recovered” from that mystery illness I did not experience chronic Lyme symptoms until adulthood. As a young adult I did have multiple digestive issues, increased anxiety and depression, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies.


Life went on, I moved to Seattle from a small farm town in Missouri to finish my nutrition degree at Bastyr University. While doing so I went to massage school and received a certificate in massage therapy at Brenneke School of Massage, (Now Cortiva Institute). When living in Seattle I met my husband, had my first child, and my health seemed good. After having two more children, my family was now living in Spokane, Washington.


As the kiddos grew older, I returned to running to stay in shape and let’s be honest, to get out of the house for some much-needed alone time! Running became such a big part of my life. I joined a competitive running group, the Spokane Swifts, which became a social outlet as much as it was exercise. The group was something that fulfilled my physical and mental health. Plus, I was good at it! I grew faster and faster each race I tackled, eventually branching out into triathlons; I was good at those too. All of this offered community to me outside of being a mother. Why am I even telling you this part? Because you have to understand what was taken from me when Lyme disease decided to rear it’s ugly head again.


Amidst training for my second half-ironman, trying to buy a house, and working as a single mother life caught up to me. Once again, I became crippling ill. Still no diagnosis of Lyme disease, it was never even brought up until I met a friend at work who has Lyme disease herself. She encouraged me to get tested, and on December 25th, 2018 my test result came back positive.  Crawling my way back to some sort of health so I could work and take care of my family I ended up with a new career. Massage therapist to Territory Sales Manager.


About thirteen months into being a sales manager, I was forced to take medical leave. I was frantically searching for another job that I could physically and mentally handle. By this time, my symptoms included brain fog, headaches, tremors, floaters in my eyes, ringing in my ears, TMJ, pain all over my body, fatigue, nausea, muscle weakness and wasting, depression, anxiety, digestive distress, stomach pain, hair loss, and chronic fatigue. Under the care of a local naturopathic physician, I found myself hopeless and stagnant in my recovery. It was a guessing game, an awfully expensive guessing game. Nine months of antibiotics that almost killed me, $5,000 worth of hyperbaric treatments, and $1500 worth of ozone IV therapy, still sick and showing no signs of healing.


It is crazy to see myself looking so healthy in the picture above with how sick I was. The need to return to work arose and I still didn’t have another job lined up, still extremely sick, and hopeless. I took matters into my own hands by trying to heal my Lyme disease solely through diet and stopped seeing the naturopath. It was almost a full year that I stopped getting treatment from a professional. It felt easier to just cope and survive.


While researching, I found the Sophia Health Institute. Their clinic practices effective ways to treat chronic illnesses of all kinds. Dr.Dietrich Klinghardt, founder of Sophia Health Institute is considered a Lyme disease specialist. The treatments and techniques of diagnosis used are determined by ART, Autonomic Response Testing. ART takes the guessing game out of treating Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses by asking your body what it needs at a specific moment. Treatment with Dr. Jennifer Grushon has been fruitful and forward in progress. It is a long road to full recovery, but with the care I am receiving, it’s not a matter of IF it’s WHEN! I can update this post now and say I am officially in remission from Lyme disease and any of my co-infections. However, I am still dealing with parasites, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and hormones. As well as trying to heal my nervous system.

Stay with me on this journey to healing Lyme disease for practical tips, do’s and don’ts, special blog posts from experts, holistic nutrition, clean living and more!