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Part Two

***This is not intended as medical advice, it is merely my experience. Please consult your physician about this procedure before apply it to yourself at home.

As promised after ordering the PureLife Enema kit and following through with using it I would write part two on coffee enemas. This week was life changing for me! My kit arrived on Tuesday evening and by Wednesday mid day I was administering my first coffee enema. It can sound very intimidating at first, but trust me it’s not. Anyone who is chronically ill can do this, meaning we do all kinds of things too ourselves and for ourselves to help our bodies heal. I really wish someone would have told me to do these earlier in my healing journey.

The PURELIFE enema kit I purchased came with everything I need to perform coffee enemas at home for years to come. You only need 3 tablespoons of ground coffee per enema so the 1 pound bag will last me awhile. Plus the stainless steel enema bucket will last me a lifetime as well as the strainer. All of the tubing and enema nozzle with proper cleaning will last up to two years, possibly more. When selecting what coffee you would like in your kit it is advised to start with the medium roast.

Preparation of Coffee Enema

  • 3 Tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 4 cups of distilled or purified water (I use Berkey water)
  • Bring to boil for 5 minutes
  • Reduce to simmer for 15 minutes
  • Let cool to room temperature
  • Use strainer to transfer coffee mixture to a measuring cup (this ensures there are no grounds in the enema)
  • If less than 3 or 4 cups of solution exists after the boiling and simmering add more filtered water to equal at least 3-4 cups of solution.
  • Place tubing on enema bucket and place clamp. You don’t want your solution spilling out on the floor.
  • Add enema solution to enema bucket
  • Then I go to the bathroom for the remainder…
  • Place the enema nozzle of your choice (I use the silicone) on the end of the tube
  • I always have a small amount of coconut oil in a glass bowl in the bathroom to help lubricate the enema nozzle
  • Lay on your right side and place the enema nozzle in from behind you
  • Regulate with the tube clamp how fast the flow is…it takes me about 6-10 minutes to take all the enema solution in. The instructions say to stop when you feel full, but I have noticed when you wait and let your body do some adjusting I can take more liquid in.
  • Hold for 15 minutes. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t hold it that long your first time. It gets easier. Also you may experience waves of thinking you can’t hold it anymore and those pass, it helps to breathe through them.
  • Personally I leave the enema nozzle inserted during the 15 minute hold time, but you can remove it. Just make sure to grab the nozzle and not the tube to pull it out.
  • Once the 15 minutes are up you sit on the toilet and let the solution back out. This phase can take another 10 minutes, but afterwards you really do feel amazing. It is a similar experience to colonics if you have ever done those.

I set the enema bucket on the counter behind me. In this picture it was hanging from the towel rack. The kit does come with a hook if you have a different set up that accommodates hanging the bucket.

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Coffee Enemas & Parasite Elimination

I am not suggesting that everyone has a parasite problem, but my last post addresses parasites as the NEW co-infection of Lyme disease. Find that post here. Not everyone that has Lyme disease experiences the same co-infections, but there are the more common ones and parasites are up on that list.

What came out of me this week was not unexpected, but it is a little gross. Don’t get me wrong we celebrate this kind of thing in our house! My doctor and I have been going after parasites since November, 2020. I have likely had parasites a very long time, but my body was not ready to go there until it started coming up with the A.R.T. that Dr. Jennifer Grushon uses in my treatment. So I have been on CellCore products that are made to clear parasites as well as Ivermectin and Alinia (Nitazoxanide), both of these are anti-parasitic drugs.

It is hard to say if the parasites have been dying off inside and I just wasn’t passing them or the coffee enema helped to kill them, but they were coming out in every stool after my first coffee enema. This week I did a total of three enemas and plan to continue on this route until my health takes a dramatic turn, then lessen to two times per week, and so on.

Coffee Enemas Aren’t For Everyone

But they are mostly for everyone! We all have a toxic load and burden in our bodies. Whether you have Lyme disease or other chronic illness, or even just needing to maintain overall health. There are some guidelines to view on the Gerson Therapy website to see if they are safe for you. Always consult your doctor before trying this on your own.

Aftercare For Coffee Enemas

Gerson therapy recommends 3 – 8 ounce fresh juices per 1 coffee enema to replace electrolytes lost during the enema process. In addition to the fresh juice, lots of filtered water.

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