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**This information in not medical advice. Please consult your physician.

Parasites, Lyme Disease & Autoimmune Disease

Why is the question not being asked more…why are autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses on the rise? After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, I began thinking of the health and wellness of individuals when I was a kid, just 25-30 years ago. Concluding that people were not as sick, or we did not hear of as many people being sick. In grade school I knew of one person that had Lyme disease, and very few people who had cancer, I can only think of two.

Fast-forward to today, over 20 million Americans struggle with an autoimmune disease. That is just Americans, it is know that in other industrious countries autoimmune disease are on the rise. There are 476,000 new cases of Lyme disease reported by the CDC per year. Thus, making this a huge question to be asking…one that we deserve answers to. Lyme disease has been placed under the category of autoimmune disease, although it is known to be caused by a bacterial infection.

Parasites and Host Commonalities

There are commonalities amongst the chronically ill and autoimmune disease population. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has been on the frontline of research in autoimmunity for over 40 years. He is widely known for his expertise and understanding of chronic illnesses and how they operate in the body. In his work he has found the chronically ill population has higher heavy metal toxicity, retrovirus activity, KPU (Kryptopyrroluria), and PARASITES!

Parasite Testing

There currently is no testing to truly and efficiently identify parasites. If you have had any gastrointestinal issue you have probably been tested for parasites at some point and had that test come back negative. Between the ages of 18-19 I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Jamaica and Mexico. However, there is no doubt I brought back some unwanted friends with me. Tests for me came back negative as to be expected, but I remained symptomatic. Parasites excrete an enzyme that dissolves their bodies upon realization their environment is inhabitable. Dr. Klinghardt’s studies have shown that the parasites only show up within a 15-minute window after feces has been eliminated. Meaning the test that has you place your poop on a card and mail it in to a lab will NEVER find parasites. They are long gone by then. Bottom line, even if you think you do not have parasites, sadly your wrong. Everyone has parasites, they are only known to cause problems in people who have the commonalities listed above and an overall higher toxic load.

Parasites Are More Than An Intestinal Issue

Parasites are not just found in the colon and small intestines but can be all over the body in other organs, even the lungs. This makes them even more elusive to testing. For example, they can inhabit the bladder and down the line cause bladder cancer. It is the most common overlooked problem in the chronically ill population. Parasites harbor smaller organisms, such as bacteria and viruses making them the new co-infection of Lyme disease.

Parasites Must Be Treated Before Lyme

This is the part that really blew my mind…if you do not treat the existing parasites first you will never get rid of the Lyme disease. Due to the parasites harboring the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi that causes Lyme disease. Not to mention all the other non-beneficial bacteria and viruses that are hiding in the parasites as well as heavy metals. So, a layered treatment approach is needed. Treating parasites, then Lyme bacteria, next yeast & molds, then viruses. You may have to treat some things simultaneously, but knowing this layered approach is ultimately needed. It is no wonder so many people struggle with Lyme disease for their entire lives. Not every Lyme patient will experience a parasite “take over”, just like every Lyme patient does not have the same co-infections.

Parasites & Finding Your Fit

Before learning this, I am pleased to announce that my doctor, Dr. Jennifer Grushon has been approaching my treatment this way. In my first blog post I talk about Dr. Klinghardt’s invention of A.R.T. Dr. Grushon uses this to diagnose and treat me. Chronic Lyme patients are like an onion that needs to be peeled back one layer at a time. Though A.R.T my body guides the treatment based on what it is ready to work on and the level that needs to be treated. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a multifaceted treatment plan; it just means that if you aren’t solving the biggest problem first you could be stuck there for a while. If you are in need a a doctor I could not recommend Dr. Grushon more, also visit the Sophia Health Institute where Dr. Klinghardt and his team work.

Parasite Symptoms

Symptoms of parasites can look exactly like symptoms of chronic Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. To give you a quick picture here are a list of symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive issues-IBS
  • Skin lesions, rashes, eczema, etc.
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Joint/Muscle pain
  • Anemia
  • Allergies
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Teeth grinding
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Psychoses

Parasite Treatments

Okay, okay, I have parasites, now what? Well, I read no one size treatment fits all, but after listening to multiple podcasts featuring experts in the parasitic field and scouring the internet, I landed on basic steps to get started. First, we must get the liver primed and functioning better. Check out my post on Detoxing Made Simple for additional ideas on how to add more detoxing to your everyday life and support your liver.

CellCore Biosciences has some of the best protocols that are laid and and walks you through each phase. The comprehensive protocol is for chronic illnesses. If you are looking for all inclusive and do not want to piece together your own protocol this is the place! I have personally used and continue to use many of their products.

If you are looking for a different route other than CellCore protocol you can use the following:

Cilantro tincture – take 2 droppers full, 30 minutes prior to eating, twice a day. Used for “mopping” up heavy metals in the system.

Biopure MicroSilica – 1 scoop (100mg) once per day

Horsetail Tea – 6 prepared cups per day

Ionic foot bath – if possible, include ionic foot baths as regularly as you are able. The ionic foot baths switch on the kidneys to release toxic heavy metals into the urine. (link takes you to a blog post I talk about ionic foot baths)

***This protocol should be done for 6-8 weeks. After 6-8 weeks following that protocol, the goal is to then eliminate whole parasites, so they do not leach toxins into our bodies for reabsorption.

Parasite Removal – Next Steps

Coffee enemas – 2-3 times per week. Enemas and Colonics aid in inhibiting the parasites from reabsorbing into the body or migrating back upwards in the GI tract. (link is a post where I go over all things coffee enema related)

BioPure Nexus Suppository – 1 suppository per night for 3 months

Castor Oil packs – These should be applied 2-3 times per week for a duration of 1 hour. They are simple to do at home.

  • Gather castor oil, hot pad, fabric, & old towel to get started.
  • First, saturate a large enough piece of cotton fabric to cover your liver area with castor oil.
  • Next, have a piece of saran wrap ready to place between to cloth and the hot pad.
  • Then, lay down for 1 hour while the castor oil pack gets to work. (I like to have an old towel underneath me just incase some oil gets on the couch or bed)

CellCore Bioscience Products – you can find on their website.


Sources: One Radio Network / Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Reducing Toxins and Parasites in the Body | One Radio Network, Prediction and Prevention of Autoimmune Disease in the 21st Century: A Review and Preview – PubMed (, How many people get Lyme disease? | Lyme Disease | CDC.